NGS is one of the winner of DITECFER Railway Innovation Contest 2022

NGS is one of the winner of DITECFER Railway Innovation Contest 2022

Color logo no background New Generation Sensors NGS is one of the winner of DITECFER Railway Innovation Contest 2022The NGS solution called TrackOne has selected as one of the best innovation in the DITECFER Railway Innovation Contest 2022.

TrackOne is a vertical solution from the field toward the Cloud based on proprietary technologies capable to enable the complete visibility of the whole supply chain, toward the optimisation both first/last mile logistics leg, as well as cargo. In fact, it is capable to identify, characterise (weight and size, supporting the consolidation operations), track, trace and monitor your goods from the sender facility toward the receiver. The base of the solution is the smart logistics unit that allows to provide an identity to smaller granularity logistic units (arriving at the items level), specialising the monitoring purposes: a pallet of wine bottles and a pallet of paper need different parameter to be considered. The asset (basket, pallet, …) is considered reusable and connected, thus supporting circular economy and asset management paradigms. The openness of its IoT environment, support the integration of added value IoT devices improving the monitoring specialisation (e.g., capable to monitor the Ethylene concentration, thus preventing the fruit ripening process). For these reasons TrackOne with its specialised monitoring can be essential for guaranteeing an improved security on transporting and storaging perishable goods (e.g., fruit and food), enabling a trusted and standardised data sharing with all the stakeholders involved in the supply chain, thus improving customer satisfaction. In fact, TrackOne Cloud component is a scalable and proactive SaaS solution capable to manage different types of devices (also by third parties), to aggregate features and generate events (e.g., bumps, threshold exceedance, …) to populate a blockchain trusted ledger. Such a ledger can be also exploited to store added value documents (e.g., invoices, transport slips, …) toward their dematerialisation.

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The TrackOne solution is developed and tested within the Horizon 2020 project called PLANET.

planet New Generation Sensors NGS is one of the winner of DITECFER Railway Innovation Contest 2022PLANET addresses the challenges of assessing the impact of emerging global trade corridors on the TEN-T network and ensuring effective integration of the European to the Global Network by focusing in two key R&D pillars.

EU New Generation Sensors NGS is one of the winner of DITECFER Railway Innovation Contest 2022This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Grant Agreement No. 860274

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